What does this have to do with wine? Well, at the beginning of our evening (before the dress was found and the tears were shed), middle-sister Mairead stepped out to find a bottle of champagne to turn dress shopping into a celebration. She came back with champagne and a wine that was just too perfect...Middle Sister Rebel Red.
Rebel Red is a red table wine, but the collection of Middle Sister wines includes Drama Queen Pinot Grigio, Mischief Maker Cabernet Sauvignon, Goodie Two-Shoes Pinot Noir, Surfer Chick Sauvignon Blanc, and Smarty Pants Chardonnay. How adorable is that? What's more, lots of these bottles have won awards up the ying-yang, so not only can you give your favorite middle sister a wine that describes her personality, you can give her wine that she'll actually like!
Check out Middle Sister's fun website for info on all their wines, a silly music video, and an enlightening "Which Middle Sister Are You?" quiz. (PS, we took it, and we are apparently Drama Queens, who knew?)
Have fun wine tasting!
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